Oz Hotels Incekum Beach Resort Spa & Wellness

Hamam & Sauna
Oz Hotels İncekum Beach Resort Spa center offers Far Eastern therapies and European massages and treatments. Personal care programs are prepared at the request of the guests. Oz Hotels İncekum Beach Resort, which also includes an open-air massage section, has a mixed care concept consisting of Indian, Thai, Indonesian and European massages.
Indoor Pool
Oz Hotels Incekum Beach Resort indoor pool has a depth of 140 cm and an area of 80 m².
Sunbeds, towels and umbrellas are provided free of charge in all our pools.
Pool service hours may vary depending on the weather and season.

All sports units such as treadmill, vertical exercise bike, horizontal exercise bike, rowing, step, center multi-purpose gymnastic equipment, barbell stand are offered to our guests free of charge at Oz Hotels Incekum Beach Resort Fitness Center located within the Oz Hotels Incekum Beach Resort Spa center.
Oz Hotels Incekum Beach Resort Spa Gallery

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